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  • Alyssa Abrahamson

Your Body Is Your Ally

Updated: Jan 9, 2022

How would you describe your relationship with your body?

Do you get frustrated with your body for not doing what it used to do? Or for not doing what you want it to do?

Do you show your body love and gratitude for it supporting you through your life’s journey?

Maybe a little of both?

What I've found is that most people are more judgmental towards and discouraged by their bodies than they are grateful.

Sometimes you might even feel like your body is working against you instead of with you.

Conventional medical establishments tend to assign words to chronic conditions, like autoimmunity, that include:

  • Your body is attacking you.

  • Your body is broken.

  • Your body has betrayed you.

  • You will continue to get worse.

Whether you have a chronic condition or not, we’ve all heard and felt these words in one way or another.

Words are powerful.

This kind of language is painful, antagonistic, and harmful.

As someone with rheumatoid arthritis having chronic pain, joint inflammation and stiffness, fatigue, limited mobility and range of motion, it took me a very long time to connect with my body.

Instead of going down that downward spiral with thoughts of suffering, victimhood, and "why me?" I made the choice to master my mindset, to turn those unhelpful thoughts around and to learn to listen to my body, and begin to trust it and view it as an ally

Now, I have a different perspective.

I consider my body my ally.

And I have learned to listen to my body’s messages without judgment.

Here’s what I believe:

  • My body wants to heal and is doing everything in its power to do so.

  • Symptoms are my body’s messages and way of telling me something’s out of balance; it’s the way my body asks for help.

  • My body does a million brilliant things right every day, which I try not to take for granted.

  • My body needs my love, not my frustration and anger.

  • My body is my ally.

What if you considered your body an ally?

If your relationship with your body could use a little love and improvement, I have a few writing exercises to suggest for you.

1) Grab a paper and pen and write down answers to the following:

  • If your body could talk, what would it say to you?

  • What do you want to say back to your body?

2) Next, set your phone timer for 5 minutes for each question and free-flow write your answers:

  • Dear Body, I am sorry for….

  • Dear Body, I appreciate you for….

Instead of ignoring your body’s messages, whether they be headaches, brain fog, joint pain, dizziness, gas and bloating, constipation, back pain, insomnia, rashes, runny nose, fatigue, or PMS, I encourage you to listen to your body without judgement.

Your body holds so much wisdom.

How is your body trying to communicate with you?

Love, Your Wellness Coach,


October 27, 2020

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