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Alyssa Abrahamson

In limbo? How structure can help.

Hey there,

Are you like me? Generally lacking structure and motivation these days?

This coronavirus sitchy is taking a toll on each of us in different ways.

Is it safe to assume that after a few months of this “new normal” we’re getting used to it? Or, rather, are we losing it?

However you are feeling, and I suspect it might change daily or even hourly, I’m here to remind you that as humans, we need structure!

Lack of structure can make you feel unmotivated and distracted and often leads to procrastination, feeling like crap, and then lots of times you just do nothing at all. And the cycle continues.

We need structure in our daily lives to help us feel grounded and have a sense of purpose. Having a routine helps bring the security and clarity we all seek.

And by routine, I mean an intentional series of daily actions.

Intentional routine creates healthy habits, stability, and provides structure to give you direction and motivation.

Maintaining a schedule of things you know will make you feel better such as exercising, eating healthy, keeping hydrated, reading, completing tasks, meditation, and the like, generates a sense of stability and balance.

5 Easy Ways To Create More Structure In Your Life

1. Theme your week

You know how everyone loves “Taco Tuesday”? Well, that’s what I’m talking about here. Theme the days of your week! For example “Meal Prep Mondays” or “Tidy Up Tuesdays” or “Game Night Thursdays.” It's fun and you can get creative!

2. Plan your week on a Sunday

Whether you're employed or unemployed right now it seems like all the days are blending together. Still, we’re programmed to think of Mondays as the start of the work week. So carve out time each Sunday to create a plan for the week's activities that you'll do each day like mopping your floors, finishing a project, responding to emails, going for your daily walks, grocery shopping, etc.

3. Plan your day the night before

Even if you plan your week on Sundays, it’s important to think about each day, the night before. Perhaps priorities have shifted, or you accomplished something on your to-do list before the scheduled day. When you take a few minutes to plan the details of your next day, it helps you stay on track. Remember to be flexible and adjust accordingly.

I recommend choosing your top three priorities for the day and writing them down. Cross them off your list after they are completed and pat yourself on the back with a sense of accomplishment. If you end up not doing one or all of your priorities on the scheduled day, that’s totally fine. Just reschedule and prioritize for the next day.

4. Create and stick to an intentional morning routine

No matter what time your morning starts creating an intentional morning routine will help kick start your day in the best way possible. For example, each morning I lay in bed and list out loud 10 things that I love about my life, I drink warm lemon water, and do yoga. For some of you, your morning routine is coffee and meditation, or showering and dog walking.

If you need inspiration, check out 3 Tips for a Life Altering Morning

5. Remember to prioritize self-care

Self-care is any activity that you do deliberately in order to take care of your mental, emotional, and physical health. And during this time, taking care of your mental, emotional, and physical health is more critical than ever. Please make self-care a part of your daily routine.

I’m here to help you build momentum to create structure to take care of yourself.

Join me tomorrow, Wednesday, May 27 for my weekly Facebook Live Workshop that goes deeper into this topic.

WHAT: In limbo? How structure can help. WHEN: Wed. 5/27 at 1pm EST / 12pm CST / 10am PST WHERE: LIVE on my FB page, Alyssa at Wellness HQ. WHY: Cuz you're pretty great and I want to help you.



P.S. Mark your calendars! Every Wednesday in June at 12pm EST for my weekly FREE Facebook Live Workshops!

P.P.S. Catch the YouTube replay of last week's workshop, "How to boost immunity through lifestyle changes."

May 26, 2020


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