How do you process deep and meaningful life experiences?
Last week I returned to NYC from spending 25 days in sunny Key West, a beautiful, little, funky island in the Florida Keys. I am fortunate to have a dear friend who opened her home to me. My intention for my trip was to combine working and connecting with nature. I made a commitment to visit the ocean every day, to soak in any lessons and inspiration that nature might present. I also taught several nutrition and wellness workshops, worked remotely with clients, and performed burlesque.
Being able to spend 25 consecutive days in the sun and in nature was a gift. I ate every single meal outside and my body loved feeling the warmth of the sun, being held by the ocean, and tasting the salty water.
I’ve traveled to Key West in the past for the purpose of performing burlesque and always had an absolute blast! This time was different. This time I went with my heart, body, and soul open to insight; I was seeking healing and clarity through a connection with nature.
I am still processing. I know my experiences were deep and meaningful, however I’ve already been swept up in the NYC whirlwind. I find myself needing quiet time to reflect.
I would like to share with you two gifts I received during my time in Key West.
1. I am alive. I am open. I am grateful.
My friend’s 7 year old son goes to a Montessori school where they say this mantra every morning. He has it memorized and taught it to me. Saying this brings tears to my eyes.

2. We are all connected. Everything always works out for the highest good.
The day before I left, we went on a snorkeling outing to a coral reef in the Gulf of Mexico. I saw yellow coral, deep purple sea plants, and vibrantly colored fish! I literally cried in my goggles the whole time, saying thank you to the fish, thank you to the ocean, thank you to the universe. The sea is a whole other world that is also a part of us and it's awe-inspiring. When I swam with the fish and became a part of their world, albeit for an hour, I felt the expansiveness and magnitude that we are connected and all a part of nature. I was profoundly reminded that everything always works out for the highest good.

As I continue to process, I’ve decided that my October Challenge will be journaling for 10 minutes every day this month. I’m going to set the timer on my phone and allow myself to freely download my thoughts. I’ve journaled on and off over the years, but a daily practice of reflection through writing has been missing. I’m excited to dive in and see how it goes. Join me!
October 1, 2019